Come craft your company's 7 core identity statements: manifesto, mission, vision, anthem, philosophy, values & beliefs, and ethical code

Learn a simple framework to understand these statements and how to connect to and articulate your company's core identity.

The most powerful words in the English language are the words you put after "I am...."

Do you know that the same thing applies to your business?

What live Attendees SAID:

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

The most successful companies know one secret: the value of a well-defined core identity

These industry leaders invest millions to perfect their foundational statements, understanding that clarity in their mission, vision, and values directly impacts their bottom line, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, and strategic decision-making

Have you ever noticed that the first thing companies say when explaining their own downfall is that they "lost themselves" and are "getting back to their core identity," or are simplifying to "return to what they do best."

Now, you can achieve the same level of clarity and purpose without the hefty price tag.  

CREDO: Latin for, literally, "I believe," and  MEANS
"a system of principles that guide a person or group."

Why These Seven Statements Matter 

Big companies don't just stumble upon success—they define it. 

The very process of crafting these statements brings you into sharper alignment with your true identity.

Here's how these core identity statements can transform your business: 

Boost Your Bottom Line - Clear identity statements attract like-minded customers who resonate with your mission and values, increasing loyalty and sales. 

Strengthen Customer Relationships - Articulate your purpose and values to build deeper, more meaningful connections with your audience.   You'll learn several impactful places to put your statements.

Enhance Employee Relationships & Longevity - Employees who understand and believe in your company's core identity are more engaged, satisfied, and loyal. 

Improve Decision-Making - Use your core statements as a compass to guide strategic decisions, ensuring consistency and alignment with your long-term goals.   Together they form a rubric that the entire team can rely upon.

Branding Clarity - Before you can craft a meaningful brand, you have to understand yourself.  Who are you in the marketplace?


Workshop Highlights 

Succinct Training  

Learn about the seven statements, their relationship to each other, and when to use each.

Case Studies

See the statements crafted by some of the greatest companies of our time.

The "Work" in Workshop 

Engage in writing exercises designed to help you craft clear, compelling identity statements.  You'll walk away with statements you can immediately deploy in your business.

Practical Framework

Learn a simple yet effective framework for creating and connecting to your company's core identity. 

Q&A Session 

Get personalized advice and answers to your specific questions. 

Take Action.



Secure your spot in this workshop and start building a stronger, more cohesive business identity.

Workshop Details

Duration: 60 minutes (including Q&A and writing exercises) 

Investment: $37


Come to this 60-minute workshop (recorded live) where you'll craft your company's 7 core identity statements and walk away with a company identity you feel proud of and which calls in your real people.

Hi, I'm Cori!

I've been a coach, consultant, and, most importantly, a friend to entrepreneurs for 9 years this month.  I can personally attest to the value to us, as business owners, of being very clear on who we are as people, as entrepreneurs, and as companies.  

I've had teams that weren't in sync, I've had sticky ethical issues with collaborators, I've had to choose my values over my money on more than one occasion.  

So, I understand the clarity and calm these statements bring.  I understand the value of your team, customers, partners, and clients understanding clearly the culture and company you're building.  THAT'S why I created this workshop: so you can have the same.

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CREDO Workshop - by Cori Willis(recorded live)$37

What You'll Get:

Walk away with your statements done and ready to be posted

Case studies & examples

Simple framework you can revisit every year


(Re)Connect with and be (re)inspired by your company's true identity.

Included for Fruitful Business School students.

  • Total payment
  • 1xCREDO Workshop - by Cori Willis$37

All prices in USD